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How Computer Speakers Are Rated

Basically, computers are computers that have the capacity to perform an infinite number of operations and for this, they contain many components of support, extension and accessories

Which, together, manage to execute various tasks very quickly under the control of software.

In this sense, it is known that there are both input peripherals, as well as output peripherals, and even some that serve both. Thus, in this post, we will focus specifically on the output peripherals, which are the ones that receive the information processed by a CPU and reproduce it. Taking into account that, there are several types: visual, auditory and tactile.

With regard to the audio output peripherals, we find the speakers, headphones and sound cards. However, highlighting the great story behind the speakers, we will focus our study on them. Taking into account that they are, what they are for, how their evolution has been, what types exist and their most common failures.

What is a computer speaker and what is this hardware for?

In general terms, speakers, also known as loudspeakers, horns or horns, are those devices that facilitate the amplification of sound. In this way, they work as electrical transducers that manage to transform the current of electricity into a soundtrack. Thus, as it is an electroacoustic transducer, an acoustic screen can be formed with one or more loudspeakers.

Now in the computer, speakers are defined as a way in which machines make sounds by means of analog or digital audio. Thanks to this, the loudspeaker gives these teams a means to interact with their users at the auditory level and / or through sound.

On the other hand, the computer speakers are used to allow the reproduction of stereo sounds, recorded in two channels. This being an excellent feature that makes the listening experience for the user much more natural. Well, usually, computers contain two speakers and each of them can emit a different channel.

Regarding its operation and, in short, we highlight that, inside each speaker there is a magnet that contains a coil and this is in charge of receiving the electric current. In this way, electricity is responsible for moving the coil and thus, the diaphragm membrane vibrates to generate waves at various frequencies, depending on the intensity of the movement of the coil in question.

How have they changed throughout history?

In 1861, Johann Philipp Reis installed the first electric loudspeaker on his telephone. Which, quite simply, was able to reproduce light tones and after some interesting checks, it also transmitted muffled speech. In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell was the one who patented his first electric speaker as part of his telephone and this one had the ability to reproduce intelligible speech. But, later in 1877, an improved version of said speaker was obtained, by Ernst Siemens.

Thus, Thomas Edison was able to obtain a British patent for a system that used compressed air as an amplification mechanism for his early phonographs. In 1898, while conducting some studies, Horace Shot came up with an excellent design for a loudspeaker that would be powered by compressed air. However, after a while, he sold and transferred the rights to Charles Parsons, who obtained several additional British patents around 1910.

Between 1910 and 1920, some companies like Victor Talking Machine Company and Pathé, focused on creating record players using compressed air speakers. But, due to the poor quality of the sound they emitted and their poor ability to reproduce sound at low volume, they were considered to be very completely limited designs.

After more than 150 years of progress and thanks to the combination of all these advances over time, what we know as computer speakers emerged today. Considering that, currently, the sound of a loudspeaker is transmitted through the double procedure called "electrical-mechanical-acoustic" and is divided into two phases: The electrical waves are transformed into mechanical energy and this is converted into acoustic frequency waves.

Date update on 2021-03-29. Date published on 2021-03-29. Category: Computer class Author: Oscar olg Fuente: internetpasoapaso