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Types of computer speakers and how they are classified

Despite the fact that all loudspeakers have as their main objective the reproduction of sounds by means of an electroacoustic transducer, where the electrical waves are transformed into mechanical energy and then they are acoustic frequency waves; certainly, different types of them are distinguished

According to its operation

Around their operation, the loudspeakers are divided into dynamic, electrostatic and piezoelectric:

Dynamic speakers

At present, they are the most widespread and are characterized, mainly, because the sound they reproduce is generated by means of the movement of the coil.

Thus, when the sound changes, it does so not only because of the materials but also because of its structure:

  • Dome structure: It is used for the tweeters or tweeters.
  • Cone structure: It is used to emit low and medium frequencies.

That is why, dynamic speakers are usually manufactured with a dome structure for tweeters and a cone structure for woofers, mainly.

Electrostatic speakers

These are also known as "condenser speakers", they are characterized by being expensive, large and their operation is based on three metal plates with opposite electrical charges. Considering that, the central plate of these three is mobile and usually changes position depending on the magnetism caused by the voltage it receives and thus makes the diaphragm vibrate.

Piezoelectric Speakers

Unlike the other types, these speakers generally work through the friction of quartz, ceramic, or polyester crystals. Which deform after absorbing an electric current and thus produce sound. Thanks to this operation and unlike electrostatic speakers, piezoelectrics are very cheap and of great quality to generate high-pitched sounds. However, they are not as effective at reproducing low-frequency bass.

According to your power source

Due to their power source, two types of computer speakers are handled, and then we mention what they are about:

  • Active speakers: Basically, they are those speakers that require a connection to the current and another to the computer, simultaneously, to be able to work.
  • Passive speakers: Unlike the previous ones, these can operate with total quality without the need to connect them to an electrical network.

According to its frequency

Although it is true, the sound in a speaker is classified by frequencies, which are emitted from the drivers. But, since three classes of main frequencies are usually evaluated, several types of drivers are also cataloged, according to each of them.

Tweeter or treble

In general, they always have a presence in a speaker and are characterized by reproducing high frequencies. But, given that they are the smallest, they are considered the most susceptible to "cracking" due to the high frequencies with which it vibrates.

For its part, dynamic tweeter speakers have a dome structure and due to this particularity, they are also subdivided into two more types. Thus, the “soft dome” are distinguished, which uses textile materials, emits very natural sounds and offers less resistance to waves. In addition to, the "rigid dome" that are made of metals or ceramics and affect the sound more intimately.

Square or media

Commonly, they are those that are responsible for simulating the lowest sounds in the absence of a dedicated woofer. Among its main characteristics, we highlight that they have an intermediate size, are in the shape of a cone or dome (depending on the manufacturer) and operate at frequencies of 1,000 or 4,000 Hz.

Woofer or bass

Specifically, these are the largest in size and therefore the heaviest compared to those mentioned above. Taking into account that it is dedicated to deep frequency tones and, therefore, it manages to enrich the sound it reproduces much more. Generally, it surrounds frequencies between 40 and 1,000 Hz.

Subwoofer or subwoofer

Traditionally, this type is recognized as a bass box and is the deepest of the entire scale classified according to periodicity, so it moves in frequencies from 20 to 200 Hz.

In addition to this, it should be noted that, you can find both active and passive subwoofers:

  • Active subwoofer: In this case, the amplifier is located inside the same speaker and thanks to this, you can optimize its energy efficiency. Without a doubt, it is the most recommended subwoofer.
  • Passive subwoofer: This subtype requires an external amplifier in order to function properly. Even so, it presents a rather demanding power consumption.

Date update on 2021-03-29. Date published on 2021-03-29. Category: Computer class Author: Oscar olg Fuente: internetpasoapaso