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Types of keys that a computer keyboard has

The traditional keyboard can be easily divided into 5 parts or groups with different functions and purposes, presented below.

Alphanumeric keys: This group represents the bulk of the keyboard, it is the one with the greatest number of keys and therefore the most used, it comprises the entire upper numeric keyboard located just below the group of function keys, and all the letters of the alphabet also include expression symbols. question marks, semicolons in addition to the "enter" key, "space" and the "backspace or delete" key.

It is used to write or compose, be it works, articles, or messages in order to enter text in the computer, it is the main way to enter data to the computer.

Numeric Keys The numeric keyboard located as shown, on the right side of the keyboard, includes all the numbers from 0 to 9 and the symbols for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This keyboard group is excellent for carrying out mathematical operations, it can be activated and deactivated by pressing the special “num lock” key.

Control keys: This small group of keys is made up of the "Ctrl", "Shift", "Esc" and "Alt" keys that, together or separately, can trigger different actions that we will learn about later.

Navigation keys: The navigation keys is another small group that is made up of the keys "ini", "del", "Up", "Down", "ImpPt" and the scroll cursors "up", "down", "left" and "right".

Function keys: The function keys are the group that is located in the upper part of the keyboard just above the alphanumeric keyboard, and although they are very little used by most people, they have excellent functions according to the program with which we are working and can work as excellent shortcuts, includes keys from F1 to F12.

What does QWERTY mean the famous layout of the keys on a keyboard? Are there other distributions?

The keyboard layout was inherited from the typewriters of yesteryear, therefore, QWERTY has no greater meaning than the symbolic memory of another era. They are so called because they are the first letters that appear in the upper left area of ​​the group of alphanumeric keys.

Originally in typewriters, the QWERTY configuration was adopted to separate the keys from the letters that were repeated the most in order to avoid jamming the machines, which operated with small mechanical arms and it really was a resounding success.

This configuration of letters was transmitted through time and today all American and Latin American devices have this configuration and also Spanish.

Now we have also heard that there are more configurations in the distribution of the keyboard keys and we have heard a lot about the QWERTY configuration being the least ergonomic but as they say out there, weed never dies, and in this case it is the custom. has been able to do more than the health of our hands for these companies.

The most well-known keyboard variant in addition to QWERTY is AZERTY, a configuration used mainly in France and in Belgium as well, and the other equally well-known variant is QWERTZ, and it is the most used in countries such as Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

Among the most recommended ergonomic configurations we have the Drovak keyboard which is characteristic for reducing the effort when writing with it, thanks to the fact that this configuration includes all the vowels and the most used consonants in the central row, which is where they teach us to place the fingers in typing courses, thereby increasing typing speed.

Date update on 2021-03-29. Date published on 2021-03-29. Category: Computer class Author: Oscar olg Fuente: internetpasoapaso