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What it is for and types of keyboard functions

The keyboard of our computer is one of the tools with which we interact the most on a day-to-day basis, but I am almost sure that you do not know all the mysteries that it hides from the naked eye

This is one of the hardware that has evolved the most, being essential to guarantee an excellent user experience.

You are more than likely ignorant of the hundreds of changes that have been made to these over the years. It is normal, we are currently so immersed in various tasks that it is logical that we overlook the most common things, but this does not mean that it is okay.

In this article we are going to talk to you about the keyboard so that you know everything about it, from its history and functions to the most representative changes it has had over the years. In this way we are sure that you will better appreciate everything that has to do with it.

The keyboard is an input device that is part of the hardware of our computer. Input means that its main function is to enter information, either in the form of text or numbers. As we can imagine, its origin dates back to the not so distant era of typewriters.

So we can easily say that a keyboard is a modern version of the old typewriters, but the question is when and how did typewriters really become a keyboard?

We know that the first computers were created to analyze and process data and these were later reflected on paper. Therefore, computers did not have what we know today as a monitor or screen, so how did they know that the keyboard was working if they did not see what was being done? Simple answer, with a lighting system on one panel.

The arrival of the keyboard as we know it now, came with the entry of home computers to the market in the 1980s or so, with the IBM industry quickly dominating the hardware market, with all its devices for the latest computers in the world. epoch.

Although it is difficult to believe, the operation of a keyboard is much more complex than simple letters and numbers. This is because each key is not equivalent to what is printed on it but to a numerical value that is linked to the position it occupies on the keyboard.

This can only work with a microcontroller, an installed program, which is executed with each press, and when this happens a matrix scan is carried out that tells the computer which keys are pressed, in what order they were pressed, which ones are being steadily pulsed and which ones were pulsed.

What is it for and what are the main functions of the keyboard in computing?

The functions of the keyboard are very varied and simple, as already mentioned it is an input device, which allows the computer to receive data, both for writers and programmers this is an essential tool when working, since it allows us to enter and save thoughts and ideas.

It allows programmers to enter commands and commands, and for other people it facilitates communication, among other things the keyboard is simply a tool that gives us control over the computer's software, even if it is to play.

How many types of keyboards are there and what are their functions?

Depending on the purpose for which you use your computer, it will be necessary and advisable to use each type of keyboard and below I present the different existing types for you to inform yourself and make your choice.

Standard keyboard

The model created by IBM was based on typewriters, and this in turn transcended influencing the market, in such a way that the entire industry in one way or another produced in a generalized way the same design or the same distribution in the keys of the machine. keyboard, with slight variations with the amount of these, being 104 keys for the United States English and 105 keys for Latin due to the inclusion of the "Ñ".

Ergonomic keyboard

This type of keyboards have the particularity that they are made adapted to the natural shape of our body, with a curved V-shaped conformation and slightly softened keys facilitating pressing, therefore they are ideal for working for hours in front of the pc, avoiding us certain injuries and pathologies that we can develop if we spend a lot of time in front of the computer, and with the great advantage that we can increase productivity at work.

Multimedia keyboard

Multimedia keyboards are characterized by having the same conformation as a standard keyboard, but with the difference that on the top, bottom or on some side, they have playback keys, volume, brightness, direct access to emails, calculators or other applications. functional, and depending on the area in which you perform, this keyboard may be optimal for you since it allows you to save time, shortening some steps in your daily operations.

Flexible keyboard

They literally come rolled on themselves, therefore they are very flexible, they are portable and due to their flexibility easily adaptable to non-flat surfaces, perfect for trips and camping, they are internally very thin, and are covered by a plastic known as "silicone", which makes it practically waterproof, this makes them perfect for laboratory analysts, who need to work in completely sterilized environments, because they can regularly apply cleaning with alcohol or other disinfectants.

On-screen or touch keyboard

The on-screen keyboard can be an alternative very little used in computers, and for many unknown, but in cases of emergency it can save your day if it is the case that some keys stop working or unfortunately a liquid was spilled on your physical keyboard You can access it quickly from "start" then "Windows accessories" and finally "tabtip". On the other hand, on smartphones and tablets it is very common to use this type of touch keyboard.

Keyboards by connection

Another way to classify keyboards is by the way they are connected to computers. In that sense we can identify the following.

USB Keyboards

We will only talk about two of them because the others are already extinct and were mainly replaced by USB keyboards, because being a standard input port, it facilitates its commercialization and its use regardless of the brand of computer that it deals with.

Wireless Keyboards

We also have wireless keyboards that may well be by infrared connection, bluetooth, or Wifi, which at the time I am sure will replace USB.

Mechanical keyboards

These types of keyboards are usually preferred by many gamers and office workers, and they are right to prefer them due to their resistance, some writers also prefer them because it lightens the step in each press this thanks to the letters are written halfway and not it is necessary to press the key all the way to activate it, unlike the slightly more modern rubber keyboards. Mechanical keyboards require a bit of dexterity at first, but eventually habit kicks in.

Capacitive keyboards

The name will sound strange to you, as much as it did to me the first time I read it, but the truth is that it is one of the best quality keyboard types that you can find on the market. Although they are a bit pricey, they are worth it. Its operation comes from a difference in capacitances, this means under each pulse there is a mini capacitor which, when pressed, sends an electrical impulse, which is detected and processed by the computer.

Projection keyboards

These are the most futuristic model of keyboards in my opinion, since its operation is with laser and it is literally a projection, on your desktop, that is to say a virtual keyboard with either bluetooth or WIFI connection, it is a very practical model, although a little disadvantage when it comes to productivity or quick responses for gamers, who probably want to feel the pressure on their hands.

These were all the keyboards that are currently in use, I have left out a few types because they are already obsolete and you can hardly find them in the market.

Date update on 2021-03-29. Date published on 2021-03-29. Category: Computer class Author: Oscar olg Fuente: internetpasoapaso