How to prevent Windows 10 from hijacking 7 GB for your updates

This new feature will be enabled to all users from Windows 10 19H1, the next Windows 10 update that will reach users this spring

However, although 7 GB may not seem like much if we have a 4 TB hard drive, we are using a 128 GB NVMe SSD, or a convertible with an eMMC memory of 32 or 64 GB, for example, it can be quite space.

This function has been created with good intentions, and it is sure that it helps to reduce the problems when downloading and installing updates, especially the semesters. However, Microsoft has not thought about the users that have SSD, NVMe or eMMC of little space, for those that 7 GB can suppose enough space.

Although Windows 10 will not have an option as such to disable this feature easily, it will be possible to do it manually with a simple change in the registry. Below we explain how to prevent Windows 10 hijacking several GB of space on our hard drive.

Disable the "reserved space" of Windows 10 to free more than 7 GB on your hard drive, eMMC or SSD

Before continuing, we recommend you to read our Regedit guide, because in it we explain all the steps that we must follow to make these modifications in the Windows registry with security.

We execute "regedit" from Cortana and we move to the next section, both manually of code key and writing this address directly in the top bar: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ReserveManager

Once on this route we will see a value called "Shipped With Reserves". Click on it and change its value from "1" to "0".

After changing this value, we restart our computer and, when it starts up again, we can see how the space that Windows 10 had reserved becomes free again. We can also check from Configuration - System - Storage how the reserved space of Windows 10 is no longer occupying our hard drive.

Windows 10 will reserve this space dynamically, that is, it may not occupy at the beginning and, as time passes, this space may increase dynamically, that is, it does not have to occupy 7 GB, it may occupy less, or You can exceed this limit, it depends on our configuration.

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